Jardin botanique de Deshaies
Loca des iles
VV location

Séo Pond

Other bodies of water - Sainte-Anne

A prime example of a water attraction too often ignored, Mare de Séo is worth going out of your way for. Ponds are a common feature of the limestone island of Grande-Terre. Most are natural pools formed by rising water tables or rainwater runoff in impermeable clay depressions, but others are artificial, created for domestic or agricultural purposes. They once were central to island life, used as cattle watering holes, makeshift reservoirs, washing-places, picnic grounds, and nighttime gathering spots. Whether permanent or temporary, the ponds give sanctuary to many birds—moorhens, kios (a protected species), and the snowy egrets (“kios blancs”) often associated with cattle egrets, common in Guadeloupe since the 1950s—who nest near them to feed on small fish or invertebrates.

Seo pond, in Sainte-Anne. A biodiversity reserve
Seo pond, in Sainte-Anne. A biodiversity reserve
Close to the road a den for moorhens, kios, and the snowy egrets
Close to the road a den for moorhens, kios, and the snowy egrets
Mare of Seo. An essential water supply for livestock
Mare of Seo. An essential water supply for livestock
 Sainte-Anne, the pool of Seo, a shades of green
Sainte-Anne, the pool of Seo, a shades of green
Epicerie Créole
Allo Médical

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