Jardin botanique de Deshaies
Loca des iles
VV location

Fidelin Pond

Water area - Les Abymes

A cool haven in the heart of the Grands-Fonds region, Mare Fidelin, located in the Chazeau area of Les Abymes, is surrounded by steeply sloping pastures. An important watering hole and nesting ground, the pond is sparsely populated with aquatic plants and shrubs. Several species of aquatic birds and butterflies frequent the pond and the surrounding area, including cattle egrets, green herons, turtle doves, American yellow warblers and fritillaries.

 Mare Fidelin (Fidelin pond) - Les Abymes: waterer and nesting place
Mare Fidelin (Fidelin pond) - Les Abymes: waterer and nesting place
 Les Abymes, Mare Fidelin, a haven of freshness
Les Abymes, Mare Fidelin, a haven of freshness
 The Fidelin pond is located in a deep valley
The Fidelin pond is located in a deep valley
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