Jardin botanique de Deshaies
Loca des iles
VV location

Sugar Loaf Mountain

All round view - Terre-de-Haut

This 53-meter high volcanic hill, whose steep flanks plunge directly into the sea, is covered with striking “candle cacti,” some of which are several meters tall. Many shrubs offer habitat to sea birds. Pain de Sucre overlooks a magnificent coral reef, whose sponges, gorgonians, and other corals are home to many types of fish and crustaceans, even near the shore. On either side of this little peninsula lie two beaches:  Petite Anse, on the leeward side—a fine-sand beach bordered by coconut palms in the shadow of the rock, with its peaceful scene of boats at anchor—and the larger, less frequented, beautiful Anse Devant beach, with its crystal clear waters, facing out toward Cabrit Islet.

 Terre-de-Haut. The very remarkable volcanic “Sugar Loaf hill“
Terre-de-Haut. The very remarkable volcanic “Sugar Loaf hill“
Sugarloaf mountain - Terre-de-Haut: Petite Anse beach
Sugarloaf mountain - Terre-de-Haut: Petite Anse beach
Terre-de-Haut, a small shaded path leads to Sugar Loaf mountain (Le Pain de Sucre)
Terre-de-Haut, a small shaded path leads to Sugar Loaf mountain (Le Pain de Sucre)
Loisirs aux Saintes
Allo Médical

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