Jardin botanique de Deshaies
Loca des iles
VV location

Aquaculture Park

Local Product - Pointe-Noire

This place to learn, explore, and fish, is located in a magnificent, lush setting. Aquaculture Park offers guided tours of the different pools making up the hatchery, from larvae to full-grown “ouassous” (freshwater prawns). Visitors may also fish for creole red snapper using pole and line, or take a stroll around the park’s ten ponds for some bird watching before tasting local products, in particular the famous “ouassou,” “king of the springs,“ at the estate’s host table (Fridays and Sundays at noon). Tel.:  0590 98 11 83.

Aquaculture park - Pointe-Noire. A mombin overlooking the water
Aquaculture park - Pointe-Noire. A mombin overlooking the water
Pointe-Noire aquaculture park. Bamboo
Pointe-Noire aquaculture park. Bamboo
Pointe-Noire, Aquaculture park. Close-up on the much appreciated ouassous (crayfish)
Pointe-Noire, Aquaculture park. Close-up on the much appreciated ouassous (crayfish)
Caraïbes Gliss
Allo Médical

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